Professional Development Scholarship

While applications are no longer being considered for the RMACAC Conference or Bus Tour, we welcome you to apply for a scholarship for NACAC’s Guiding the Way to Inclusion Conference and/or for the NACAC Professional Certificate.



RMACAC invites colleagues to apply for professional development funds to attend the 2025 RMACAC Annual Conference. These scholarships are intended to offset the costs of conference registration and travel to Salt Lake City, UT. Nominations are also welcome. Preference will be given to applicants/nominees who represent one or more of the following:

  • high school or community college counselors/advisors who serve underrepresented populations, including but not limited to students of color, rural students, public school students, and transfer students.
  • first-time RMACAC Conference attendee/have not participated in a previous regional conference.
  • educators who cannot/do not attend the NACAC Annual Conference.

Please note, scholarship recipients must be a RMACAC member prior to receiving any funds. Should you have questions about the application or nomination process, please contact RMACAC's Professional Development Chair, Brittany Baker-Brousseau

Application Process:

This application must have been completed by a nominator or the applicant themselves. Each application will be reviewed by members of RMACAC’s Professional Development Committee.